Standard Checks

What are Standard Checks?

Standard disclosure checks are used to help employers make sure people are suitable for certain types of work. A Standard check is a higher level disclosure.

Why do you need a Standard Check?

Who can get a Standard disclosure check?

Standard disclosures can help employers ensure people are suitable for certain types of work. A Standard disclosure shows UK criminal history information including:

Disclosures issued under the Police Act 1997 - such as Standard - do not benefit from continuous monitoring. This means that if an organisation uses a Standard under the Police Act 1997 for its recruitment purposes, it is recommended that a new disclosure be sought for each new recruit or when an employee moves to another post.

Standard disclosure checks can apply to people such as:

This list is intended as a quick reference but not a comprehensive list in entirety. Contact Scottish Disclosures for any advice on eligibility.

Get a Standard check

Scottish Disclosures streamlines the Standard disclosure check process for both individuals or organisations. If you require Standard disclosure check processing or expert guidance on navigating the Standard disclosure check process, do not hesitate to contact us at

For any Standard disclosure check needs, Scottish Disclosures is your trusted partner.