Keeping your PVG membership up to date

How can I keep my PVG membership up to date?

Need Disclosure Scotland checks?

Whether you're an individual or an organisation seeking Basic, Standard, Enhanced, PVG Checks or PVG Updates, we're here to help.

Scottish Disclosures provides disclosure check processing as an Umbrella Body registered with Disclosure Scotland.

Contact Us

You should let Disclosure Scotland know if your personal details change, such as your address, contact number, email address or employer. This means they can contact you quickly if needed and information is sent to the right place.

If you tell Disclosure Scotland that you've stopped working with children and/or protected adults with a particular employer or voluntary organisation, Disclosure Scotland will contact them to confirm this.

Legal Requirements:

By law you need to tell Disclosure Scotland about certain changes.

If you're a PVG scheme member and you change your name or gender, you must tell Disclosure Scotland within 3 months of doing so.

If you're barred from regulated work or you're under consideration for listing, you must tell Disclosure Scotland within 1 month if you change your:


If you do not tell Disclosure Scotland about thse changes, you are committing a criminal offence.

If you or your employer wants an updated PVG certificate, you'll need to apply for a new one.

Scottish Disclosures can progress this on your behalf. Please contact us at

How to update your details:

Complete the Update PVG details form and email it to

You'll need to provide some personal details on the form, such as your full name and date of birth along with supporting documentation to confirm who you are and the change that is being made.

Supporting Documentation when updating your Details

You'll also need to send supporting documentation. This is so Disclosure Scotland can confirm who you are.

For a change of address, you'll need to send a copy of one of the following:

For a change of name, you'll need to send a copy of one of the following:

You will not get a new certificate after updating your details

Need Disclosure Scotland Checks?

Whether you're an individual or an organisation seeking Basic, Standard, Enhanced or PVG Checks, we're here to help.

Scottish Disclosures provides disclosure check processing as an Umbrella Body registered with Disclosure Scotland.

Have Any Questions?

If you would like any guidance on Disclosure Scotland checks we would be happy to help!

Get In Touch