Disclosure Scotland Checks for Accountants

What Are the Disclosure Requirements for Accountants and Actuaries?

Need Disclosure Scotland checks?

Whether you're an individual or an organisation seeking Basic, Standard, Enhanced, PVG Checks or PVG Updates, we're here to help.

Scottish Disclosures provides disclosure check processing as an Umbrella Body registered with Disclosure Scotland.

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This guide serves as an important resource for Accountants, or Finance departments looking to obtain disclosure checks on their Accountants or Actuaries. This is an important part of the vetting and pre-employment process for your preferred candidate.

What are Standard Disclosures?

A standard disclosure is used to help employers make sure people are suitable for specific roles. Standard disclosures are for people who carry out their work in Scotland, and it should be noted that a DBS Standard check is not the same, and should not be used for work done in Scotland.

It can apply to people who work in Scotland as:

A Standard disclosure is a higher level disclosure that includes criminal history information from records across the UK including:

The resulting certificate from a Standard disclosure will show if there are no convictions to disclose.

How do I get a Standard Disclosure Scotland Check for an Accountant or Actuary?

You can obtain a Standard check for the position of an Accountant or Actuary from Scottish Disclosures. Please contact us on info@scottish-disclosures.co.uk where we can progress a Standard application on your behalf for your employee or preferred candidate.

Need Disclosure Scotland Checks?

Whether you're an individual or an organisation seeking Basic, Standard, Enhanced or PVG Checks, we're here to help.

Scottish Disclosures provides disclosure check processing as an Umbrella Body registered with Disclosure Scotland.

Have Any Questions?

If you would like any guidance on Disclosure Scotland checks we would be happy to help!

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